Icône de topographie réalisée par Topo Services

TOPO Services + Arcad Ingénierie

Legal notices

You will find on this page several informations regarding our company, our website and about our data privacy policy. If you have a question, feel free to contact us at any time.

Contact us

Ravine Fontaine Bridge on Reunion Island - Hervé Douris

Data privacy

TOPO Services does not keep any personal information leading to identification, except for questionnaires that the user is free to fill out. These informations will not be used without your agreement, we will only use them in order to send you mails, estimates, or to contact you.

All data collected on websites benefit from the protection of the "Informatique et Libertés" Law (Freedom and Computing) No 78-17 of January 6, 1978. You have the right to access, to correct or to stop their use with a simple written request to TOPO Services – 122, Route Ligne Paradis, 97410 Saint-Pierre.

Moreover, TOPO Services will be allowed with your agreement, to carry out any statistical analysis without revealing any names and will be allowed to inform a third party (evaluation of frequency by various organizations) in a summed-up form and without disclosing any name.

Hypertext links

TOPO Services does not control websites connected to its own and therefore should not be liable for their content. The user is the one and only person or group of persons liable for the risks related to the use of these websites. The user will have to comply with their using conditions.

Cookies policy

Cookies that are used on our website help us gather anonymous information about the website visitors to better understand their surfing practices or evaluate visitors statistics. For example, they can memorize a choice that you may have done on the website to prevent you from doing it again, each time you establish a new connection.

Our website toposervices.com only uses cookies to allow us to estimate its audience, meaning to analyse the visits on our website. With these cookies, we are able to understand where our visitors are coming from and which pages they are surfing on. That way, we can identify eventual problems arising when surfing the website as well as problems about the content itself. This analysis will, in the end, allow us to improve our website by facilitating access to the content that our visitors are interested in.

Data is stricktly anonymous : the most specific gathered data refers to a rough estimate of the visitors whereabouts as well as the means used in order to visit our website, to find out how much time they spend on it and which pages they linger on.

You are free to refuse to participate in this study by refusing the use of cookies. Moreover, if you wish to change your previous agreement we suggest that you clean up the already stocked up cookies on your own browser. Furthermore, our cookies are auto-cancelled after 30 days.

Website editor

TOPO Services


    500 678 446 00039

  • Address

    122, Route Ligne Paradis, 97410 Saint-Pierre

  • E-mail


  • Phone Number

    +262 6 92 93 68 30

  • Head of editing


Website designer


  • E-mail


  • Phone Number

    +262 6 93 06 78 43

  • Website


Website host


  • Company status

    SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
    RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

  • APE code


  • TVA identifier

    FR 22 424 761 419

  • Head office

    2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Contact us

+262 2 62 59 92 28

Cookies use

This website uses Google Analytics cookies in order to measure this website trafic.

Measured data are anonymous and only concern our website. Do you accept their use during your navigation on our website ?